VOICE OF THE PEOPLE TOUR: Red Dot Poll Results for Rexton NB and area May 14 2014
Two hundred and more enthusiastic and engaged people from the Rexton and Kent County areas attended a standing room-only Voice of the People Tour stop at the Bonar Law High School Wednesday evening.
Aboriginal, Acadian, English and other friends and neighbours spoke their minds on the issue of fracking and how they choose to take a stand in rejecting the shale gas industry while pursuing viable and locally-based solutions and alternatives to our 'Dig it Up, Cut it Down, Ship it Out'economy.
Below are the results of the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE TOUR Red Dot Poll for Rexton NB
1. People of NB will not stand by and allow this (fracking) to happen (112 dots)
2. Boycott Irving (83 dots)
3. More emphasis on food security for Kent County (64 dots)
4. On election day make a statement by voting for a party opposed to fracking (59 dots)
5. SLAPP suits by SWN (South Western Energy) are unacceptable and will be challenged by individuals and by class action (53 dots)
6. Honour Aboriginal land and rights (51 dots)
7. Exploration test wells need to be opposed/stopped. "We have to stop before they drill" (36 dots)
8. We need to get behind local & provincial politicians who have opposed shale gas (33 dots)
9. Tools and incentives (e.g. community economic development investment funds) need to be made more available to assist communities to develop renewable energy programs (29 dots)
10. Greater transparency from government regarding costs incurred from shale gas industry (impacts to air quality, water quality, public health, road maintenance, etc.) (18 dots)
11. Organized tours of Penobsquis are available. It is important that we see and smell what the industry creates (17 dots)
12. Speak out not only for yourself but for your wider community (11 dots)
13. Phased environmental impact assessments (EIA) will be ineffective tools of a regulatory process (9 dots)
14. Make personal submissions or complaints if medical conditions are potentially at risk by operations that may be planned to happen near or around your community (4 dots)
15. Challenge the establishment and their use of words to obscure the truth & take away our rights (2 dots)