We've been waiting over a year since many hundreds of people who care about New Brunswick's wilderness submitted comments to the provincial government on a proposal for new protected natural areas. The candidate areas included old forests, sensitive wildlife habitats, and wild rivers located in all corners of New Brunswick. More than a year later, the province still hasn’t announced what will happen with those candidate areas and while we wait for them to decide, industrial development approvals are proceeding at a rapid pace.
We need your help to keep the pot boiling so these proposed protected areas don’t drop off the province’s agenda. Please take a moment right now to send a simple letter to the Minister of Natural Resources, asking about the status of these candidate protected areas.
Take Action Now - Go to this link to write a letter: http://org.salsalabs.com/o/2463/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=14746
Currently, only 3% of New Brunswick is under any form of permanent protection. With your help, we can change that. Take action today!