Stop Spraying in New Brunswick (SSNB) is a group focused on stopping the spraying of Glyphosate and other herbicides on public land, which includes forest spraying and NB Power spraying in New Brunswick. This includes raising awareness of the harmful effects of Glyphosate on eco-systems and animals in New Brunswick. ( TWITTER: @StopSprayingNB )

Stop Spraying Petition DEADLINE EXTENDED:

Because of the change in the schedule of the Legislative Assembly we have decided to break the petition campaign into THREE BATCHES because we have found that the petition is a great tool for engaging people in the spraying issue so it should continue:

FIRST BATCH (let it be a HUGE one!) deadline: APRIL 10,2016 will be delivered during the third week of April, when the Legislature sits.

SECOND BATCH tentative deadline MAY 7, 2016 (for those who need more time/want to continue collecting) will be delivered during the one week in May when The Legislature will be in session again. (there is NO schedule posted for the Legislative Assembly)

THIRD BATCH: deadline August 31,2016 (The Legislature will not sit again until early Fall)

Petition PDFs are here in English and French.

Filled petitions (please make sure that people give their full name and mailing address including the postal code) can be mailed to:

PO Box 20313 King's Place PO
Fredericton, E3B 0N7

Petitions will be photocopied, tallied and forwarded to MLA David Coon so that he can table them at the Legislature.

SSNB will have a website up soon.

 © 2018 NBEN / RENB