• Action Alert: Sisson Tungsten/Molybdenum/Copper Open-Pit Mine

    The proposed Sisson Tungsten/Molybdenum/Copper mine near Stanley, New Brunswick, has the potential to create significant negative impact on, and catastrophic risk for:

    • Atlantic salmon habitat vulnerable to changes in the hydrologic regime and heavy metal deposition.

    • The Nashwaak Watershed, a valuable economic and ecological resource, currently one of the post pristine watersheds in New Brunswick.

    • Wetland habitats.

    • Extensive areas of economically valuable hardwood and mixedwood Acadian Forest, a forest type under stress.

    • Human health and safety in the Nashwaak Watershed, and in the open-pit itself, due to an unacceptable level of risk of failure of the extensive and high tailing dams.

    • Human and ecological health due to air emissions of dust with elevated levels of arsenic and lead in an extensive area of the projected dust plume of this mine.

    Take action and intervene on the Environmental  Assessment process and demand the greatest assessment and protection here.

    Please feel free to copy/adapt the materials in your letters to government.

    Deadline for this action alert: October 3, 2011.

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